Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chapter 8 review

Organizing and Saving Large Image Collections.
Many teachers today take a lot of digital pictures of class field trips and projects. Finding specific images can be time consuming. Teachers could spend hours looking for one photo when they could use that time spent for other things, such as, preparing for the next lesson. Certain tools can be used to locate a specific image within hundreds or even thousands of images. These tools not only help teachers but students as well. They can help users with finding, organizing and annotate within large image collections. If a teacher puts the photos that were taken in labeled files with the activity and the date, than it will aid the teacher and the students in finding specific photos. In finding these photos quicker, the teacher and/or the student will be able to complete tasks, that may consist of using specific photos, a lot quicker. Searching, browsing and organizing images will be much easier for anyone using specific programs made just for images. The image bellow shows an example of different folders that contain photos within the picture document. These folders are all labeled differently that way the user can tell where to look for certain pictures.

Using these advantages of tools for image savings is a very good way to keep images in an organized, easy to find, area for any computer user. I think that This program and many others like it are easy to use and make life a lot easier. A teacher should always be prepared. With a program like this one, a teacher is preparing his/her self for present and future activities. In having images saved in specific files a teacher is preventing a future mix up from happening as well as saving precious time that could be used more efficiently. It is a very good program that all teachers have a program that helps them organize and save large image collections.

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